Thursday, June 30, 2011

Improve your hand and improve your golf swing

It seems that many golfers are not aware of the importance of hands to play running of the golf swing. Of course we know that the hands grip the golf club and the body lay, for the Association. But what is the importance of them during the swing?

The answer has to do with letting go of the club. Let's go back and do a quick check on the biomechanics of golf. During the swing, from address position to follow through, the hands are active in a sort of passive way.

Golf Clubs

Letto explain. The goal of the golf swing, the club moves to the right swing plane golf swing is understood that moves. This is done by the body through a series of positions in the movement. These positions are in different phases of the golf swing.

The phases of the swing are address, takeaway, backswing, transition, downswing, impact and follow-through. During all these movements the body performs, the golf club moves on a swing. ThePlane of oscillation is the path on which the golf club is to travel. On impact with the golf ball requires the golf club is traveling on the swing is correct.

In order for the club on the correct swing plane it is necessary to travel the clubface to open and close. Often in terms of opening and closing of golf, the face is known as "releasing the club." This is where the hands are an integral part of the golf swing.

If you talk almost all the teachers, whosay that every good player has "great hands." This statement refers (correctly the release of the Association) exactly what has been described previously. It 'obvious when you look at players like Tiger, Phil or Vijay.

I even remember walking the course at Doral in Miami with top-5 teaching coach Rick Smith. A point, he said, was to return in view of the discussion of the golf swing "hands". He said more than once, as each player's hands are big PGA Tour. This simply provides additionalSupport for how important the hands are in relation to the golf swing.

But what does this mean? Well, we know that in the hands of the "Opening and closing" the clubface during the swing involved. This movement can be used to correct the publication of the Association. As I said, the hands are "active in your golf swing, but in a passive way."

To move the opening and closing the clubface during the golf swing your hands back on the backswing, hinge at the top of the backswing to the 'Club Impact Club and leave space for it. For this to happen the hands must be passive!

What I mean by passive?

You can not force the hand to move through the golf swing and let go of the club. This creates tension in the golf swing, hitting time, and especially to poor recording. If you do not believe me, on the driving range, grip a club as hard as you can, and try to go swing. The results are clearly less than optimal.

I think DeanReinmuth, by Golf Digest as one of the first 30 hours, it does best when he hands in his golf swing. He discusses "feel" as part of the golf swing. He noted that with regard to a successful golf swing you must have "no tension".

To move "feel" of the club on plane swing is an indicator of being "tension free". And to have that feeling, you need your hands relaxed (ie passive).

How do you develop good hands in your golf swing?

Easiersaid than done. In order to "feel" to be developed in the golf swing, remove "tension" from your golf swing and develop great hands, you must develop three fundamentals.

Number one is fundamental to understanding the golf swing. To know what to do for the body and golf club during the swing is you must know the biomechanics of the golf swing. If you do not know how you're going to know which are the body and the clubs do during each phase of the golf swing?

Secondly, it is necessaryDevelopment of the mechanics of the golf swing. Your body and mind need to integrate the movements of the golf swing into a repeatable movement. This is done through proper instruction and practice the correct golf swing mechanics.

Finally, it is necessary to develop the body. Yes, the body! Your body needs the flexibility, strength, endurance and strength to successfully run the golf swing. When the body is stiff, weak and helpless, as you will be able to perform the mechanicalswing right?

The obvious answer is that they are not! The development of large hands in your golf swing is to develop a "basket" of fundamentals within your golf swing. Understand the biomechanics of the golf swing, develop proper mechanics into your swing and develop a body to support your swing. These are the key to developing great hands in your golf game.

Improve your hand and improve your golf swing

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